The HOW, not just the WHAT

There are so many web sites and web marketers out there on the internet highways that sell tools and programs, each telling their own version of internet business. And many are excellent.

But after labouring readings over endless pages and letters you find you still don't know HOW to build your internet business now or get your internet business up and running now. Many of beginner do not want to spent a few of money to get a good book @ e-book. It is because they do not know, from that books they will have a lots of ideas, oppotunity and many things way to start internet business. Also will give you the final and complete picture. Just WHAT U NEED IS TO SEARCH or LOOKING A EXCELLENT E-BOOKS. Just spent a small capital to buy that e-books and then gets more and more return back.

Even worse, you end up starting as best you can with the bits and pieces you accumulated only to discover you've put the cart before the horse. That's why 90% of folks who start this way end up failing. Well, not here.

Why get into home based businesses ?
There are many reasons why people today want to start a business specifically on the internet. Can you name a few? What are your reasons?
It may be that you just have an enthusiastic interest in the internet and want to take advantage of the business opportunities it offers.
Some folks may want a second income, or want to start a business part-time, that they can operate in the comfort and safety of their own home. Or may be they want to be self-employed and are interested in this specific type of business. They may have been layed off or downsized. They may be moms at home. They may be dads at home. They may be entrepreneurial type young persons, or older persons... whatever any one may be, all have the common denominator of wanting to be able to work at home.

Otherwise, i founded this, easy busines at home you can make :-

Small business ideas for Big business planning

But what we need to discuss are small business ideas that have to do with big business planning. As mentioned in Level 3 of our previous(and if you haven't looked at it, I strongly recommend you go back and read it because it does cover some important elements of building ideas toward the purpose of this site and your purpose of getting started with your own internet business) as mentioned, there in Level 3, the important things you want to discuss are about what type of internet business you want to start and what type of products you have to offer.

Brainstorming knowledge into ideas

These are the things you want to get ideas about. We call that brainstorming ideas. Small business ideas is all about big business planning for the best product or service you possess now that you can turn into your internet enterprise. Because if you follow all the links on internet or small business ideas on the search engines, again, you could be reading forever -- remember our discussion on our home page?
The important thing for you, if you want to get your business up and running now, is to get down to specific steps that will lead you there -- and this is what this site is pointing to ...

Just below are links to some detail reading on the subjects of this small business ideas page... When i studied from this e-book, marvelous!!! it is the ideal e-book to learn

As the title says, success on the internet is all about business internet marketing. And on the net, marketing or advertising is all done the same way: reaching your prospect across the internet. It's like a local physical offline business doing a marketing direct mail campaign or direct reach by any other means of advertising. Except this is bigger, much bigger and wider reaching.
Side note: If you landed on this page directly from a search term, please do take time to check out the rest of the site by going to the home page and following the links. There is much covered on this site, each page building on the others...

It's all about traffic

Targeted traffic is the life-blood of your online business.
An increase in TARGETED traffic produces more SALES which in turn produces more INCOME for you. But how do you generate this type of profitable traffic?
For more on this, you will see a link to the best course on traffic building you'll ever see toward the end of this page... That the great book.This e-book tell us about All off internet traficc solution that be use by most of succesfull cyber milionare..

Marketing and sales

Marketing is the most important aspect of a business. I know, there's a lot of disagreement over this one, some like to return the argument that accounting or finance is more important because if the money isn't spent properly, bla bla bla... BUT if there's no marketing, there's no money to even count, let alone spend! That's my argument and I'll stick to it every time. Marketing also includes sales. Good marketing leads to sales. What can be more important then that? And that's what business internet marketing is all about.

Successful marketing

I've read hundreds of articles, e-courses and e-books -- some I got for free and some I paid for, yet I still didn't know how to work in the science and art of optimizing my web site for successful marketing on the web. That is until I came across the system I talked about on the home page of this web site. It does that automatically.

And that let's you do your job as a net marketer: to present the content that your readers are looking for -- and that's what you know in your head. People are looking for information first, then the tools they'll need if they are looking for them. If you have a weak approach, you'll have a weak response.
Here's some detail reading on the subjects of this business internet marketing page...

How do you recognize a good internet business opportunity? This is probably one of the most important aspects of all of the process of starting an internet business. Recognizing what is the best internet business opportunity for YOU in setting yourself up for success. Picking the wrong one could be a death sentence for your business.

Side note: If you landed on this page directly from a search term, please do take time to check out the rest of the site by going to the home page and following the links. There is much covered on this site, each page building on the others...

The Best e-book about marketing :-

Cyber tools for cyber work

So, how do you reach out to the extent of finding YOUR customer in cyberspace? It's all about using the right keywords. Even if you buy specific advertising such as pay-per-clicks or adwords, the right density of keywords is critical.

But which do you pick? Look at the variety of keywords that surfers input on the same topic of internet marketing - just to name a tiny few: business internet marketing, internet marketing home, marketing ebusiness internet, internet online marketing, internet marketing business, advertising business internet, internet marketing. These are actual search terms that people typed in search engines. Some of them you wouldn't even think about let alone knowing which ones are in high demand with low supply -- which is key to finding your niche. That's why you need a powerful tool that will do the job for you..

Net Opportunity still young
Doing online internet business is not easy. It is not like starting a business offline, in your local physical area. The internet comes with a whole new set of operating and marketing rules. Yet, starting an internet business online has to be the most buzzing wave of activity ever seen among would-be entrepreneurs today. And this is the time to do it. The 70's were not. The 80's were not. Only the mid-90's brought forth this inticing beckoning from cyberspace. This internet business opportunity is still young

Affiliate Program for those whithout a product

Don't have a product to sell? Join an affiliate program.
Become an affiliate. You can make good money if
a) you join the right program and
b) if you work at it consistently.
But, first make sure you have an affiliate program that offers good support, guideline materials, web hosting, building and marketing back up -- and people who know their business and who've been around a long time.

Some advantages of an affiliate program:
1) You don't have to spend large amounts to manufacture and store inventory.
2) No need to take and process a single order, or worry about getting paid.
3) No need for a merchant account - you simply send people to your affiliated merchants, then get paid when they buy.
4) You don't have to handle or ship a product -- your merchants do that.
5) Don't have to answer customer e-mail (inquiries and support are 24/7 issues that can easily eat up 50% of your day).
6) No cost to join (beware of the few that do).
7) Your affiliate business can be started part-time, on a shoestring.
To succeed, you need to join folks who have already succeeded and as I already said before who can support you in every way.

To find out more details about this and how it can work for you, click on this link:

Here's a really great book to learn all about starting and running an affiliate internet business. I've seen this book and it is really Super...

Look at what you know

So how do you know a good internet business opportunity? Well you have to look at what you know, what you love to do, what best fits your goals. Once you recognize your personal internet business opportunity the system contains the rest of the capabilities in the planning and constructing guideline.

When I came across this system which allowed me to finally get my web business properly and successfully on the net (I had one before but it wasn't doing much because I was missing so many strategic pieces), while discussing types of business opportunities, the guide made a note to not get in the category of "internet business" because of the fierce competition -- UNLESS I had a very unique and different angle. And I did.

Here are some further details on the subjects of this internet business opportunity page...